Editorial Policy
LUMINA Editorial Board makes it explicit that the accuracy of facts and quotations, opinions, findings, and conclusions are the responsibility of the respective authors, and do not reflect the opinions, and positions of the editors and the Holy Name University as an Academic Institution. The Editors have the right to edit contributions for grammatical clarity.
The Editors require that submitted manuscripts should conform to the following guidelines.
Check List
Overall Format
- 12 point, Times New Roman or Cambria or Arial
- 1-inch margins on top, bottom, left, and right
- Page numbers bottom right
- Justified
- Manuscripts must not exceed 5000 words if it is an original research. 8000 words if it is a documentary analysis. Word count excludes the abstract and the references.
- Manuscript submitted must have an abstract with 250-300 words.
- Double-spaced
- Indented
Authors’ name
- Centered, plain-faced
Corresponding Author
- Detailed Author’s name and address.
- Under the heading: Correspondence.
- Email address must be in a new line.
- No phone numbers or fax numbers.
Key words
- 4-6 words for indexing
- Italicized
- First Order: Bold and capitalized
- Second, third and fourth order: Bold and sentenced case
- Always write Figure and not Fig.
- Write a descriptive caption of each figure.
- Number figures sequentially.
- Cite each figure in the text.
Statement of Conflicts of Interests
- The researcher must state any conflict of interests which may influence the outcome of the research.
Elements of Style
- Use concluding commas with sequences: For example, “Dan speaks American, English, French, German, and Chinese.”
- Write in English, using American English only for the entire text or English -English only for the entire text. Do not mix American-English and English-English in the same text.
- Insert leading zeroes for number less than 1.
- Centered, bold-faced
Authors’ Affiliations
- Left-justified, plain-faced
- Brief Address
- Email Address
- No Zip codes and P.O. Box
- Country name included
- A 150 – 250-word structured summary of the entire study.
Bulleted or enumerated lists
- Hanging paragraphs
- Create tables with table feature of the word processor.
- Place a title or descriptive caption above the table.
- Number tables sequentially.
- Cite each table in the text.
- It must be on a separate page.
Authors’ Contribution
- The contribution of each of the authors must be written under this section
- Follow the APA 6th edition format
Submissions must be sent to: contributions_for_lumina@hnu.edu.ph
The Editor-In-Chief
Center for Research and Publications Holy Name University
Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines