Editorial Policy

    LUMINA Editorial Board makes it explicit that the accuracy of facts and/or quotations, opinions, findings, and conclusions are the sole responsibility of the respective authors, and do not reflect the opinions and positions of the editors and Holy Name University as an academic institution.

    The Editorial Board requires that submitted manuscripts should conform to the following guidelines:

  1. Manuscripts should be encoded, double-spaced, except block quotations, and with 1" margin on all sides. A not-less-than-100 words, but not-more-than-300 words abstract together with keywords typed below the abstract should be presented before the Introduction Part of the manuscript. The manuscript, should be sent electronically to the Editor-in-Chief through the e-mail addresses cited below.

  2. The manuscript should not exceed 20 pages on a standard letter size (8 1/2" x 11") bond paper.

  3. The manuscript must (starting Oct. 2011 edition) use the American Psychological Association form and style of writing with parenthetical type of documentation that also includes the page numbers e.g. (Hegel, 2004: 45).

  4. The Editorial Board requires that all contributions should be encoded using the Microsoft Word format with plain font such as Arial, or Times New Roman, or Courier with the righthand margin being justified. Hyphenation should be turned off.

  5. The manuscript should use English as its medium and must not have been submitted to other journals, or it is already published, or in a process of publication. Otherwise, it is not considered for publication in this journal.

  6. Authors are advised to keep a copy of their manuscript.

  7. A brief biographical note on the author indicating his/her educational attainment, specialization, present position/ rank, contact number, and current research projects should also be provided.

HOW ARE PAPERS REVIEWED? The papers submitted for publication will be sent to peer reviewers, those who are experts in a specific field where the proposed paper belongs. The peer reviewers are bound to embrace the principle of the "cold neutrality of a judge" as they objectively examine the quality and content of the proposed paper. In the same manner, they have to determine the weaknesses and the deficiencies of the manuscript.

After the papers are received by the members of the Editorial Board, the latter will send the papers to the peer reviewers. Each paper shall be assigned to two or three referees who do not know each other. After they have scrutinized the quality and content of the paper, they are required to return the paper to the Editorial Board. They have to earnestly present the result of their review by accomplishing the Referee Evaluation Form (REF) that is provided to them. The REF contains their comments, observations, and suggestions relative to the weaknesses of the paper and how the paper may be improved qua minor or major revision or no revision at all. In turn, the members of the Editorial Board evaluate the comments, observations, and suggestions of the referees. After this, the Editorial Board will send the reviewed paper back to the author for the latter's consideration or compliance of the suggestions, corrections, and comments of the referees.

TYPE OF PEER REVIEW. LUMINA employs the double-blind process of review. This means that both the authors and the referees do not know each other. To accomplish this, the papers sent for review to the referees must not bear the names of the authors and the identities of the referees are likewise withheld from the knowledge of the authors.

HOW ARE PAPERS ACCEPTED OR REJECTED? When two of the three referees recommend for the publication of the proposed paper, the latter shall be bound for publication after the author has duly complied with the comments and/or instructions of the referees; otherwise, the paper should be rejected. In principle, the recommendation for acceptance or rejection of the paper rests on the referees. However, it is the members of the Editorial Board who have the final authority to determine the publishability or rejection of the paper. When the recommendation of referees are contradicted or vetoed by the members of the Editorial Board, the latter have the moral obligation to notify the referees on the grounds why they have contradicted the recommendation of the referees-this, however, seldom happens.

Address all communications to:

The Managing Editor
Publication Office
Holy Name University
Lesage St., Tagbilaran City 6300
Bohol, Philippines

E-mail: contributionsforlumina@hnu.edu.ph